Our team shares recommendations from the Open House Tallinn program. Next up is architect Tiina-Maria Tali, who shares her suggestions and thoughts. She holds a Master’s degree in Architecture from TalTech and is a huge fan of urban space and the city environment. In her free time, she enjoys orienteering and event organizing.
What does good architecture mean to You?
For me, good architecture is well thought out. It must fit the environment, be practical, but at the same time creative and exciting. It should be something that doesn’t irritate the eye but still stands out. Good architecture should make everyone feel comfortable.
Highlight a few picks from the OHT 2024 program – why these?
I’m most interested in new buildings. They’re great examples of modern construction possibilities and how architecture can make the world a better place:
Mustamäe State Gymnasium
Pelgulinna State Gymnasium
St. John’s School
I also enjoy outdoor tours. I highly recommend the Rotermann Quarter tour because it’s fascinating to see how, in 20 years, an old industrial district has transformed into a vibrant 24/7 neighborhood.
Why do You recommend people attend Open House Tallinn?
It’s a perfect opportunity to learn more about your surroundings. There are so many interesting buildings and places around us, and their stories and architecture have a lot to teach us.
Recommend a couple of books or films – why these?
Jan Gehl’s “Cities for People” – Everyone should know what they should fight for (a good living environment). This book provides a great overview of what makes a city pleasant to live in and how to create it.
Marvel movies – simply because I’m a huge fan.